In March of 2011 we visited the King Penguin colony at Salisbury Plain on South Georgia Island. Home to some 500,000 King Penguins. It is a stunning site but what the picture does not capture is the amazing thrumming sound that is generated by several hundred thousand King Penguins!
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Additional Info Courtesy of Wikipedia:
Salisbury Plain (54°3′S 37°21′WCoordinates: 54°3′S 37°21′W) is a broad coastal plain found with the Bay of Isles on the north coast of South Georgia. It lies between the mouths of Grace and Lucas glaciers. Best known as the breeding site for as many as 500,000 king penguins, its beaches are also covered with many elephant seals and southern fur seals.[1]
American ornithologist Robert Cushman Murphy made the first detailed study of the birds in the area in 1912–13. He named nearby Grace Glacier after his wife.[2]
The name appears to be have been first used on a 1931 British Admiralty chart.

Salisbury Plain, breeding ground for up to 500,000 King Penguins is located on South Georgia Island. It is an amazing site! ©TBGP